Hawks are some of the most commonly seen birds in Nebraska. Often, all you have to do to find one is look up.
Nebraska Nature
Adventures of Trout in the Classroom
Trout in the Classroom is a program that invites students to explore aquatic ecosystems through raising trout eggs in their classrooms.
At-Risk Species Spotlight – Buff-Breasted Sandpiper
Ninety percent of the world’s population of buff-breasted sandpipers migrate through Nebraska, stopping in fields and wetlands to rest.
The U.S. has three snapping turtle species: the common snapping turtle, alligator snapping turtle and Suwannee alligator snapping turtle.
May Wildlife Viewing – Birds!
May in Nebraska is a bird watcher’s paradise. Endless birding opportunities abound, from colorful warblers to unique shorebirds.
Compete in the Nebraska Birding Bowl
This free event is open to anyone who enjoys observing birds in Nebraska. Win prizes just for observing birds!