This year, Pollinator Week is June 19-25, 2023. This seven-day celebration across North America is hosted by the Pollinator Partnership.
Nebraska Nature
June Wildlife Viewing – Butterflies
Of the approximately 750 butterfly species found in North America, 211 occur in Nebraska, and they come in different colors and sizes.
Lady Beetles of Nebraska
Lady beetles, also known as ladybugs, are common and widely recognized insects. There are likely over 40 species in Nebraska.
The Hawks of Nebraska
Hawks are some of the most commonly seen birds in Nebraska. Often, all you have to do to find one is look up.
Adventures of Trout in the Classroom
Trout in the Classroom is a program that invites students to explore aquatic ecosystems through raising trout eggs in their classrooms.
At-Risk Species Spotlight – Buff-Breasted Sandpiper
Ninety percent of the world’s population of buff-breasted sandpipers migrate through Nebraska, stopping in fields and wetlands to rest.