We have long had a searchable fish stocking database on our Nebraska Game & Parks Commission webpage.
Barbs & Backlashes
How Do You Hang ‘Em?
Many of us have an jig box absolutely packed with a variety of jig styles, sizes and of course, colors.
Some Ice Notes
Do not assume the ice is safe. I am betting you are going to find a lot of variability in ice conditions right now.
Ice-Fishing Boots
What makes a good pair of ice-fishing boots? They must be waterproof, and they must be rated for temperatures well below zero.
Christmas Combo
I have learned you can sit at home on the couch and complain about it, or you can get out there and see what you can find.
Annual Ice Safety Reminder
I am hearing a few whispers about folks starting to venture on the ice, in Nebraska. For most of us, we are NOT there yet.