I love fish pictures. Seriously, show me your fish pictures, any of them, I will look. I look at fish pictures all the time, every day.
Barbs & Backlashes
Holiday Report
A couple of weeks ago, on my way out the door for the Independence Day holiday, I promised I would spend at least a little time on the water.
Aquatic Vegetation Treatment at North Platte Interstate Lake
Aquatic vegetation can be spread from one waterbody to another simply by fragments that may be attached to boat trailers and other equipment.
Harlan Rehab Project
Over time, shoreline erosion and sediment deposition can isolate fish habitats from the main body of the reservoir.
On to Something Bigger
Larger predator fish have been my target, mostly hybrid striped bass (i.e. wipers).
Mouth Closed, Tail Pinched
Fisheries biologist Daryl Bauer shares tips on how to correctly measure a fish. A bump board is a must-have tool.