By Greg Wagner
A classic case of misrepresentation keeps occurring.
Folks, especially those new to the Cornhusker State, continue to express their disbelief to me that a crystal clear, cold, spring-fed trout fishing stream exists in northeast Nebraska. “No way,” they’ll say. “Impossible in farm country,” they’ll say. “You’re drinking, can’t be,” they’ll say. “I’ve driven through there and never seen it,” they’ll say.
These are just some of the phrases people have uttered to me about the East Branch of the Verdigre (actual name is Verdigris) Creek flowing through the rolling hills of the 1,985-acre Grove Lake Wildlife Management Area just north and east of Royal, NE in Antelope County.
No more than a 3-hour drive from our home in Bennington, NE, this is a trout fishing gem, my stream Shrangi-la, if you will. I enjoy fishing it and experiencing its dynamic ecosystem each year in late summer!
My wife, Polly Wagner, describes the creek and its surroundings as a “pebble brook paradise for trout.” A friend, Morgan Sheperd, labels it “dreamy.”
I have always said the “Verdigre,” (pronounced vur-di-gree) as many call it, is such a treasure that its environs and the proper quantity and quality of its water should be perpetually protected. Kudos to Nebraska Trout Unlimited in conjunction with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission for efforts to improve stream conditions and enhance trout habitat along the creek.
The East Branch of the Verdigre Creek is one of Nebraska’s few Class A, cold-water trout streams. It is the easternmost trout stream in Nebraska where the ideal water temperature of 57 degrees is attained for trout to survive and thrive.
About 3-4 miles of this pristine cold-water stream supports rainbow and brown trout and some 2 miles are publicly accessible through the wildlife management area. Permission is required to enter private land along the stream.
Some 200 pan-sized, catchable (10-12 inch) rainbow trout are stocked weekly year-round in the creek by our fisheries biologists at the nearby Grove Trout Rearing Station, which is on and fed by the Verdigre’s East Branch. This weekly stocking in the creek supplements the naturally reproducing rainbows and browns that live in it. The Verdigre is popular with avid trout anglers and fly casters who have discovered it.
Fishable all year because the creek never freezes, the Verdigre offers some wonderful stream action for the rainbows and browns. I think it is an excellent stream to trout fish for beginners or novices.
If you’re wondering what the creek’s dimensions and features are, it runs from 10 to 15 feet wide and its bottom is comprised mainly of gravel along with some sand and soft mud. The Verdigre Creek’s East Branch ranges in depth from a couple inches of water running clear over the gravel bars to roughly 3 feet or more of water in the pools typically with a darker bottom. Caution is advised when wading regarding the sharp depth of the pools. Aquatic vegetation like water cress is also abundant this time of the year.
Rated as a high-quality trout stream by our Game and Parks fisheries division, trout anglers can expect to find the rainbows and browns as they work their bait, lure or fly downstream into the series of pools, riffles, runs, undercut banks, aquatic vegetation seams and fallen trees.
The trout almost always are pointing upstream to ambush prey or consume food that comes to them. Keep in mind there are as many different ways to fish a trout stream as there are trout anglers!
The number one thing to remember when fishing the Verdigre is to not spook the fish. They are wary. You can see them in the creek and they can see you! Stealth is critical. That translates to being quiet, keeping a lower profile, moving slowly and watching your shadow so it doesn’t cast across the spot where you want to fish (put the sun in front of you). I tend to not wade in the creek at first, but to carefully survey the scenario from land instead. Eventually though, I will wade. Take note that if you see silvery flashes in the water while wading and working a pool or stream feature, you have most likely disturbed the fish and they may not bite for a while.
What kind of equipment does it take to successfully fish the Verdigre Creek for trout?
Not much. Nothing fancy.
Truth be known, I am a simple trout fisherman.
This time of year I fish the creek wearing shorts, a t-shirt and a pair of river sandals, crocs or even flip flops. You do not need expensive gear to fish the creek for trout either. A basic light or medium-action spinning or spincast combo loaded with clear, 6-pound monofilament test line, a larger, steel split shot weight, a small #8 gold hook baited with a whole nightcrawler will work just fine. To catch-and-release your quarry, up size the hook to a #6, crimp the barbs on it and go with a longer shank version. If a trout has swallowed the hook, cut the line and gently return the fish to the water immediately! Catch-and-release fishing on the brown trout and the larger rainbows is highly encouraged for conservation purposes.
Get details about the Grove Lake Wildlife Management Area, trout fishing in Nebraska and the Trout Slam challenge, by visiting OutdoorNebraska.gov.
Nearby Attractions
Grove Lake Bait Shop
If I forgot something on my trout fishing trip, is there a bait shop close where I can get supplies? Yes. The Grove Lake Bait Shop. Owned and operated by Randy and Mary Erb, this is a fun, friendly place for a pit-stop . From the antique fishing lures on the wall to the American alligator that swims in the minnow tank, the bait shop does not disappoint!
Grove Trout Rearing Station
A pit stop at the Grove Trout Rearing Station along the creek in the wildlife management area is always a fun thing to do.
Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park
Also, one of the “must-sees” not far from the creek/wildlife management area is the Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park. National Geographic has called Ashfall Fossil Beds SHP the “Pompeii of prehistoric animals”.
For information on attractions, eateries and accommodations in nearby towns and the area, go online to VisitNebraska.com
Enjoy your visit and good trout fishing!