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Not Done Yet

Bluegill lying next to an ice hole.
Nice bluegill! Photo by Daryl Bauer, Nebraska Game & Parks Commission.

By Daryl Bauer, Fisheries Outreach Program Manager

Heading out the door for a long weekend. I am planning to be on the ice. Yes, I am heading north and west, staying within the state. Yes, I am aware that ice conditions can be “iffy” right now. Believe me, I have walked away from unsafe ice on a couple of afternoons I planned to be on it already this winter.

Am betting on this trip that I can find safe ice someplace. Also going to bet that I will pull at least a fish or two through an ice hole again this weekend!

Do not know what that might be or how big. Do know that I cannot wait to find out! Stay tuned!

Hope you get the chance to do the same!