By Daryl Bauer
I love fish pictures. Seriously, show me your fish pictures, any of them, I will look. I look at fish pictures all the time, every day.
Oh sure, there are lots of nice fish, but just that, nice fish. I will bet I have looked at a million pictures of 20-inch largemouth bass. To be sure, those are nice fish, and in a northern state like Nebraska, they are photo-worthy, Master Angler-size fish. I will look, but I have seen LOTS.
Then, there are a few fish photos that really get my attention. Fish that I look at and go “HOLY COW”! Photos I look at twice because I was not sure what I saw the first time. Those were special fish that should be memorialized with good photos.
If you have been fishing a while, and if you are like me, you have about a half-million photos of your own fish. I love looking at those too. Like remembering those exceptional fish and all the memories that go with them.
In all the photo taking, there are those who get a little creative in their poses. Maybe this will give you some ideas:
Before someone grumbles at me. . . . Of course, remember to keep all of those fish in the water as much as possible, and horizontal holds are BEST.
Also remember that it is supposed to be fun!
Hope you have some this weekend, fishing fun that is, and hope you get to practice some poses!