By Daryl Bauer
You can catch any fish that swims on a jig. Moreover, if you learn to be a good jig angler, you will flat out be a good angler, period.
Those statements are a little misleading as especially in today’s angling world jigs come in an infinite variety of shapes, styles, actions, colors, bodies, tastes, etc. They all work in the right place at the right time. Like any bait or lure they are all just tools–use the right tool for the job.
Unfortunately, the variety of options can become overwhelming. Most folks will tie on whatever style and color the guy at the tackle shop, or their buddy, or the buzz on the interwebs, told them to tie on. That choice could be right, but most of the time an angler could do better, sometimes A LOT better.
I stumbled onto this video about jig selection specifically for walleyes. The knowledge Al lays down in this video is especially relevant for walleye fishing, NOW and for the next couple, three months, if not all the time. I will also say this applies not just to walleyes but to any fish that will eat a jig, which I said earlier is all of them! Watch it!
Of course there are a number of jigs and bodies mentioned by brand name in that video. They are good products, buy ’em if you want. On the other hand, ignore them if you want, too. There are several other manufacturers selling the same thing. Buy your favorite or if you are like me, buy ’em all!
I love the variety of jig styles, colors and especially plastic bodies that are available now. Believe me, I have packs and packs of many of them. However, one reason I wanted to post this video in particular is for one message: DON’T FORGET THE HAIR! (Or feather!)
Old school is still the best school is some situations!