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Bluestem Boat Ramp

Aerial view of Bluestem Reservoir.
Bluestem Reservoir. Photo by Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

By Daryl Bauer, Fisheries Outreach Program Manager

Completely know that this project will not benefit a lot of anglers. Regardless, I want to highlight work that is being done on one of our public waters, and yes, it is a fishery:

Bluestem SRA boating access project to begin

Renovations to the Area 2 boat ramp at Bluestem State Recreation Area in southwest Lancaster County will begin Jan. 22, closing access to the area temporarily.

The project will include construction of a new boat ramp and launch dock to improve recreational users’ launching and watercraft retrieval experience. 

The single-lane, concrete boat ramp at the recreation area has deteriorated over the years and has exposed rebar, cracks and sinking sections. Access to the ramp also lacks parking and accessible walkways that comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This project will address those issues and enhance the ramp’s functionality.

The project takes advantage of current low-water conditions in southeastern Nebraska. All other access points to the park will remain open, and areas 3 and 5 have boat ramps should conditions be suitable for water recreation.  

The project is expected to take 12-14 weeks to complete, weather permitting, and is funded through a U.S. Coast Guard grant. For questions, contact ngpc.boataccess@nebraska.gov.

For a map of other boat ramps in Nebraska, visit OutdoorNebraska.gov/guides-maps/maps and search for the Public Boating Areas interactive map.