Although it’s been over 40 years since I harvested, or at least tried to harvest, my first teal, I can still recall it like it was yesterday.
Author: Guest Author
All-Season Dog Training
Preparing a dog for hunting season can be a good way to keep yourself engaged during the long off-season, but it can also be time consuming.
Restoring Antlers
Here’s a simple process for restoring a deer mount using only dish soap, a paintbrush, wood stain and fine steel wool.
Just an Eagle
Nebraska Game and Parks conservation officer Dina Barta tells the story of how she helped rescue, rehabilitate and release a baby eagle.
Six Things to Try When Spring Fishing
Whether you’re new to fishing or “seasoned” such as myself, here are a few things you should try this spring.
Our Family Prairie
Back in 1960, my grandpa bought 160 acres of farm land near Stockham – a couple miles north of the farmstead where he and my grandma were raising my dad and his two sisters.