It is extremely difficult to restore the rare blowout penstemon, but encouraging efforts are underway.
Author: Gerry Steinauer
The Wonderfully Named Fungi
Growing in forests, the appearance of jelly fungi ranges from ears sprouting from a tree trunk to globs of brain tissue smeared on a branch.
On a hot summer day, I often pop a wood-sorrel’s clover-like leaf into my mouth to experience a burst of citrusy tartness. The practice is a long tradition, as for millennia Native Americans have enjoyed them.
Nebraska’s Fascinating Ferns
Of Nebraska’s roughly 1,500 known native plant species, only 31 are ferns.
The Not So Plain Plains Onion
Of our state’s six species of native onion, the Plains onion, though small in stature, has the largest, and in my opinion, most elegant flowers.
Reflecting on the Crown-tipped Coral
Two words best describe the bizarrely-shaped coral mushrooms — “really cool.”