The story of a beloved elk that lived south of Clearwater, Nebraska, between 2006 and 2019. He died last April and residents miss him.
Author: Eric Fowler
Project Healing Waters
For many of the 8,300 disabled current and former service members taking part in Project Healing Waters across the country, the therapeutic value of fishing has been life changing.
Lewis & Clark SRA
Once you see Lewis and Clark Lake, you may want to visit this scenic gem often.
Dance Party
Few experiences provide a treat to the senses like watching prairie grouse perform their courtship dances in the spring. Read on for viewing locations.
Crane Moves
Sandhill cranes are arriving on the Platte River earlier and staying longer. With more birds packed into a smaller area, biologists are left to wonder what the future holds.
Fish Habitat Update 2016
Aquatic Habitat Program projects completed in recent years are now providing excellent fishing at lakes around Nebraska.