By Daryl Bauer, Fisheries Outreach Program Manager
Just a quick note today. Want to mention something on our Game & Parks Commission webpage that you might not have known about. . . .
You might know we have contour maps of many Nebraska waters.
Recently, we have added some reports to that page that give specific locations of brush pile fish attractors that have been added to some of our waters. On the page with the lake contour maps, look for the button that says “Brushing Maps”. Click on that and you can see some reports that have been added. Those reports include maps of those brush piles and GPS coordinates.
I am sure we will add to that list as more reports become available.
Keep in mind that waters levels are low in some waters right now. In fact, I know on at least one of those waters the brush piles are high and dry. A person cannot even find them for all the vegetation that has grown up around them! When the water level comes back up, that will be even better habitat!