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Happy Thanksgiving

Turkey feathers.
Feathers on a turkey’s back. Photo by Daryl Bauer, Nebraska Game & Parks Commission.

By Daryl Bauer, Fisheries Outreach Program Manager

Getting ready to head out the door for “Grandma’s house” and the long Thanksgiving holiday. Like most of you, we will celebrate with lots of family and friends. There will be feasting, festivities, and football. Sure to find some time to spend on the water and in the field too! Likely, I will give you a report when we get home.

Certainly, we all look forward to the time off, food, and festivities. It is all good. That is the American way!

May I also point out that our Thanksgiving holiday is the American way for historic reasons. The earliest Thanksgiving proclamation was made by President George Washington in 1789. President Abraham Lincoln re-affirmed the call for a national day of thanksgiving by issuing a similar proclamation in 1863. If you remember your American history, Lincoln’s proclamation was made during the middle of the Civil War.

Enjoy your holiday! Absolutely. While you are at it, take some time to remember why we have a Thanksgiving holiday. Positively look around and recognize all the things for which we have to be grateful. Not the least of those would be the great Nebraska outdoors in which we enjoy so much time with family and friends.

Is this a great country or what?

Yes, yes it is, and a great state!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!