By Jeff Kurrus
We’ve all messed up at one point here: When introducing a newcomer to hunting — whether it’s a kid or adult — we try to make them love exactly what we love. Some do, but many don’t. To effectively pass on hunting skills, what we need are smarter ways to welcome people to the sport.
So, the next time you introduce someone to hunting, do so with this in mind — what type of hunting will match what you know about their personality?
Here are a few ideas to get you thinking.
Stand Deer Hunting
Hunting from a deer stand is perfect for patient people and those who like to watch the day, and all the nature around them, unfold. Anyone who carries around an occasional paperback book, or likes reading on their electronic device, can do so in the deer stand. Bird lovers are good candidates, as well. If firearm hunting during November or January, make sure your hunter is properly clothed to stay warm. Folks who don’t like the cold will balk the second time you ask them to tag along if you didn’t prepare them well the first time.
Spot-and-Stalk Deer Hunting
If your friend wants to add a workout component to their hunting, this is the sport for them. Adventurers and people who love to hike or bike will enjoy finding themselves in the middle of nowhere. Spotting and stalking is for gearheads as well: people who love using trail cameras, spotting scopes, binoculars and GPS maps.
Waterfowl Hunting
This type of hunting is for your organizers, your room cleaners and your arrangers — the kids, or adults, in your life who simply can’t sit still. For there is always time to readjust your decoys. Waterfowl hunting is also good for music lovers; when a blind is filled with hunters who know how to blow a duck or goose call correctly, it sounds like an outdoor symphony.
Turkey Hunting
Chasing toms has always reminded me of playing war as a kid, sneaking, plotting and moving across the terrain like I’m a pretend sniper. It’s also for the tricksters in your group and the practical jokers — those who have a knack for luring in folks for a story or situation, which is a lot like luring a big tom into a set of hen decoys.
Upland Hunting
Nothing is better for dog lovers than upland hunting. From pheasants to quail and the prairie-chickens and other grouse in between, watching a pointer or flusher track down game is more exciting than pulling the trigger. Upland hunting is great for walkers as well — those who might enjoy spending their downtime circling the track at the local high school.
Right now, I have no idea what type of hunting my 4-year-old son will like. What I do know is that he absolutely loves to be outside in the dark wearing a headlamp. This has led us to hunting frogs one to two nights a week since bullfrog season opened. Eventually, these frog hunts will be replaced by nighttime fishing trips and, maybe, if we get lucky, a raccoon hunt or two.
When we introduce newcomers to hunting, we must do so with one aspect firmly planted in mind — them.